
Animancer is an action/adventure RPG set in a fictional fantasy world inspired by the diverse art, mythology, and ecology of ancient sub-Saharan Africa. The game follows the story of the Animancer, a boy with the divinely-bestowed power to manipulate beast magic, as he faces monsters, humans, spirits, and gods alike in his quest to save the world.

I started working on Animancer with my school's game development club. Since I graduated, I have continued working on the game alone hoping to someday publish it as a complete, playable experience.

(Credits featured at the end of the video above)

Mowzie’s Mobs

Mowzie’s Mobs is a modification for the popular video game Minecraft. It adds new monsters (aka ‘mobs’) to the game, all carefully designed to enhance Minecraft’s sense of adventure and atmosphere. The mobs have unique behaviors and abilities, fluid animations, complex particle effects, and enticing new loot. Players can prove their might against new bosses and enemies and claim their magical abilities for themselves, or they can solve the puzzles hidden within the mod for even greater rewards.

I first published Mowzie’s Mobs in 2015, and it quickly gained a following in the Minecraft community. As I have continued to update and expand the mod over the years, that following has grown tremendously. Mowzie’s Mobs now has over 43 million downloads, making it one of the most downloaded mob mods for Minecraft.

Check out the mod here: